Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Marcus Garvey Liberation Garden (Fund Raiser & Seed Swap)

The Marcus Garvey Liberation Garden 2nd Anniversary Fund Raiser & Seed Swap

Over the course of the past two years The Marcus Garvey Liberation Garden and Food Co-op Program (MGLG) has served the purpose of combating food deserts and teaching about alternative methods for food security. This purpose has been accomplished directly by supplying our community with healthy produce. The MGLG has also accomplished this task indirectly by demonstrating and teaching community members how to grow food on their own property using alternative growing methods.

This celebration is very important not only for our project, but it will be very influential for gardeners across the Houston area because we will be hosting a Seed Swap. The Seed Swap is a network of local sustainable farmers/gardeners who harvest their own seeds. As a part of the program these growers gather twice a year (right before the spring and fall) to exchange their seed with each other. This network is PHENOMENAL for two reasons! First, growers now have the capacity to know exactly where there seeds come from and who produced them and growers are able to speak with the actual person who grew the crop to find out what method works best to render the best results. Second, the seeds acquired at a seed swap are adapted to our local climate!!! This increases the chance of the productivity of the seeds because it is being growing in a very similar soil and climate from which it was originally produced! The vast majority of our crops last year were harvested from our own crops in the previous year or acquired from previous Seed Swaps.

As we are embarking on the beginning of our third year, we are in need of assistance of the community to help us attain two large items that are essential to our continued expansion. We need to build an irrigation system and purchase a storage shed. These two items are needed in addition to our basic purchase of soil amendments and other garden tools or supplies. Therefore we would appreciate if you made a Pledge of Support to the cause and purpose of the MGLG. Our goal is to raise $650 over the course of our fundraising campaign. The Pledge Drive will end on the day of our 2nd Anniversary. Other than the deep satisfaction of making a direct impact in the health of a community, you can see what tangible rewards are available for your support of The Marcus Garvey Liberation Garden and Food Co-op Program. Don't forget, this is tax season! The larger your charitable contribution, the larger your tax deduction will be!!!

Pledge Amount Reward 
$1 - $10 Information pamphlet on MGLG and how to start personal garden 
$10 - $20 Potted vegetables to grow at home 
$20 - $50 A pair of MGLG gardening gloves
$50 - $100 A fruit tree dedicated in the name of the person of their choice
$100 - $200 A section of the irrigation system dedicated to the person of their choice
$200 - $500 A one year membership to the Co-op Program and acknowledgement at each garden event.
$500 or more A permanent member of Co-op Program and acknowledgement at upcoming garden events.

Pledge Amounts between $200 or more will receive the rewards of their pledge and a choice of two rewards in the $1-$50 range.

All pledges and donations to The MGLG can be made at For more information on how to show your support Cavanaugh Nweze @ or 832-262-8019


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