Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sadiki Bakari: Wormholes, Cybernauts and Holographic Gods

It was a bright and breezy Sunday on May 27th 2012 in Los Angeles, California. Family gathered at KRST Unity Center to witness Sadiki Bakari present information rarely heard elsewhere. Okera Damani had us all stand for libation. As we called on our ancestors from past to future the energy manifested circumvented the path to allocate the knowledge many find hard to receive.
Once in Sadiki Bakari’s presence you know his disposition is sincere. Pledging to serve only the “Red Pill” that evening he reassured now is the time to let folks “sort themselves out.” He started by asking, why a holographic image of Tupac and what would come next, “Jesus, Terrorist, Aliens!” Coining the Music Industry “Holographic” he pointed out how using such avatars cut yet another cost for those pulling the strings. Insisting we are the prototypes providing information for these and other avatars to function through facebook, twitter and other social networks. Here thoughts are recorded and stored to develop files that in turn produce software. In 1982 the computer was TIME magazine’s ‘Machine of the Year’. Fast forward twenty years later and the computer seems to be the man of the year now authoring scripts patterned after the public’s daily use. Strategically they grabbed the minds of our youth in 2003 by depicting a silhouette of a face inside a computer screen proclaiming, “YES YOU… YOU CONTROL THE INFORMATION AGE… WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD!” Today our youth are thoughtlessly guided by technology blindly believe they are limited to this frequency. He held the position science is controlled by psychotics and so the outcome.

Brother Sadiki continued to prod the collective minds arranged at KRST Unity Center when the ancestors made their presence felt. He had just explained how the Twa people's advanced level of technology disrupted their spirituality. As he began to speak of their decision to give it all up and return to a more natural way of living the power in the room went out! If there was any doubt in any mind this certainly restored for us all our support was right there!  When one brother suggested that the series of events were complements of the info being presented we couldn’t help but laugh. Eagerly Sadiki began urging us to stand on the shoulders of our Master Teachers and exceed their contributions! Noting the fight will come from an enhancement of the intelligence we take for granted NOT so called white men like we’re led to believe. If we could just take the time to Know Thy Self our body’s very own electromagnetic field would cancel out any efforts made to attack our essence.

Without interrupting our stream of learning the projector was back on. Brother Sadiki uncovered image after image illustrating the programming controlling youth to elder alike. Engraved with dates these images said when to expect the merge of man and machine. Somehow they succeeded at convincing people a machine used to oppress the truest quintessence of man is more capable than its archetype in every aspect of life. Artificial intelligence rest upon the dependency of the people and can only grow when natural intelligence is being suppressed. Giving others the ability to document life visually only allows for an editor to cut and paste your life to what they see fit. Because too many utilize past principles without updating technics to fit present time, our ground to stand on remains shaky. With no outlet to offer we have no barring with our Brothers and Sisters in these streets. What do we build and on what land? What rituals and traditions are we passing down, bickering between scholars? Emphasizing again to allow those who are distractions to Sort Themselves Out! 

Sadiki asserted the need to become organic as possible. For those who intend on making it through this transition he stressed improving awareness and concentration. Unfortunately after facing relentless exploitation many have grown accustom to the illusion. Like computers, people crash every day from being overloaded with unnecessary data. Considering there is NOTHING beyond spiritual technology outsiders will forever try to match our innate abilities. Their unwillingness to accept that our soul cannot be duplicated creates conflict within then projects that conflict onto us all as a whole.

Listening to our Brother Sadiki Bakari speak definitely opens the mind to endless possibilities. To fully grasp the magnitude delivered in this presentation please visit: HOTEP!

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