Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Literary Icon: Amiri Baraka

The first day of July was the brightest day we had seen in quite some time here in Southern California. The clear sky and bearable heat made for a great day to present Amiri Baraka with the FTP Movement Lifetime Achievement Award. KSRT Unity Center filled with Family and Friends of all generations to honor our elder statesman for his many years of contribution to “the struggle”. Our energies locked into a familiar grid to hear an extraordinary minds depiction of art and its role in our future. A remarkable Libation allotted our ancestors to guide us. Garland Jackson, rightfully an icon himself, provided the harmony our drum beat to. Together we embodied all those who jumped over board or hung from a tree. All who hid in trenches and starved while trying to flee. Combined we were The Past, The Present and The Future, and Ready to See!

Engaging truth with humor, Amiri Baraka spoke from the heart. On the banks of a misrepresented holiday his mention of slavery’s makeover and new name was the perfect start. He expressed his enjoyment of “hearing young folks recite poems” while walking around, then in came the corporation to tear them down. No… We’re not free! We’re just caught up in another form of slavery. Another way to police poetry meetings and control what comes out of people’s mouth. Yes, just another way to implement injustice dictatorship to hold folks back. Exploring avenue upon avenue to see what we are willing to accept evidences the depth of what they think they will get. Stupid maybe as stupid does, but only an idiot thinks his enemy is dumb. The fight has always been for control so they hinder our soul. Money is thrown to co-opt our goals making them someone else's. Don’t dare fight back there is a cell for outspoken artist no matter how modest.

Mr. Baraka’s words flowed with poetics, whether he was reciting poetry or simply speaking to us. He flooded gates of thought throughout the room addressing the real question, “How to get OUT of hell?” Coming from an era where even humble expressions made you a criminal he insisted we organize our various strategies. He advocated coming together to craft an art that creates the future substantiating the current flowing within in us all.

As a Husband, a Father, a Comrade, Our Brother Baraka gave back our “um boom boom”. Stolen by thieves in broad day light our history has become his story. At the bottom of the Atlantic a railroad was laid. Human bones of our ancestors displayed the amount of oppression they were willing to take. We never voted to be poor or live in the slums. Stripping us of everything down to our favorite color disrupted a frequency we still strive to recover. They call it the blues so snappy the tune of our music where our story is hidden. True consciousness who we are we must teach our children. Belting either shut up and be a slave or stand up and fight, he influenced the dynamic of self is worth the fight. Once criminals, they are now the politicians, teachers and leaders who generate constant propaganda filtering thought out of senses. That’s why they took our drum, our language, our tongue. To find a vibration cut off does not thump when swinging from ones neck. Even on the black market you can’t sale your skin. Embrace that within and talk back to those whom you can’t stand. Make sure you paint with colors leaving them more than enough room to wander.

His serious jokes made us more than laugh. From mocking his Grand Daughter who put him out her room and warned “don’t touch my stuff!” To proclaiming if Elvis is the King, James Brown is God. Naturally the rich are full of more shit considering they do eat more makes since. For a Man whose been kicked out of college and out the air force no one disagreed he knows some folks who are willing to get down. The illusion says racism is over when clearly it’s the beginning. The beginning of the end of a simmering bout and at this point there is only one way out. Kindred spirits have been suffocated, starved of truth and stuff with lies. How through enemy eyes do you find the prize? Now you see yourself not human, incapable, a problem. Oh, is that why it’s easy to let someone else solve them. Where are our fundamentals our self-aware credentials? No more avoiding the world is messed up talk. No more skipping a beat to let them speak. Now is the time, with ideologies combined we shall liberates minds not for the kind of those who have no soul but for the taste of aesthetics all our own.

Amiri Baraka will always Feed The People! His impact is a driving force behind many of which some don’t even know it. His pushing back against unjust civility left a trail for youth to make their own. Encouraging individual effort to aid the unit he impressed valor upon us all…

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