Friday, August 3, 2012

Dr. Delbert Blair at The AFIBA Center

A beautiful sunset was the perfect sight to kick off this monumental weekend here in Southern California. As I entered the AFIBA Center Friday, July 6, 2012, the heart of Los Angeles pulsated to the vibration of Brother Jamal’s voice. Already the urgency of this divine flush hour was being showered upon the collected minds. Suffering of a condition not of our own making has moved us into overdrive in this final hour. As Dr. Blair prepared to address the family he insisted, we pay attention to the warning signs and get SELF intact.

Dr. Delbert Blair wasted no time fine tuning the frequency in the room. His factual humor entailed realities too many choose to deny. He submitted the creator is neither dumb nor ignorant though mankind IS… and those huemans who will always be fools for refusing to wake up. To up hold the false reality that leads us to believe the President is actually in charge we are manipulated, used and all too often imitated. Imitated to the point we know not which to call our own. Used so much, countless numbers are unable to operate innate capabilities. Manipulation through fictional occurrences of “god’s” work attempts to separate us from the one creator. Efforts to replicate that dark matter substantiated as our truest essence have driven our ‘enemy’ past the point of return.

While today’s aid provides tomorrow’s excuses, at every corner - our direction is guided by a source that is terrified of ‘the eye’ ever opening. To ensure we remain sleep they start with our children: making vaccines mandatory so to administer what they please which disrupts our youth’s development. Further disruption is implemented through various media outlets establishing control as soon as input begins. Encouraging unions whose only choices of reproduction are artificial insemination or adoption gives them a way to place their hybrid kids in our home. Their fight to maintain this control greets each step we take forward with some sort of threat stagnating life’s progress. The more they try to identify with us, the less we identify with ourselves driving the wedge so deep that most are unable to cope when trying to let go of the system.

Yes… The time has indeed come for change! The time has come to be the Gods and Goddesses we want to produce. The time has come to arrange a space for the next generation to enter this world. Now is the time where nothing will remain hidden, and to co-exist - it is a must - we balance self. With awareness comes obligation and in this time there is no such excuse as “I Don’t Understand!” As an individual if you do not provide the something you have to provide the planet will do away with you.

Dr. Blair expressed himself direct as ever. Assuring that the creator has never left us… Dr. Blair's presence brought us solidarity. He reminded the ancestor in us all of our minds power; Why listen to someone who knows nothing about our body when we can heal ourselves with concentrated thought. No… now is not the time to straddle the fence but the time to make decisions. Don’t be afraid to “stab yourself” if the voice says do so!

 As the Sun harmonizes with Earth we have no choice but to harmonize with them. As an individual we have to be ready and willing to help our body create new cells. As an individual we have to influence our molecules speaking “smart” words to OURSELVES at all times. Remove doubt from any equation to re-enforce strength in every thought. Listen to the vibrations awakening that so deep within it will upset you to know you wasted so much time. As consciousness expands rest becomes uneasy so embrace the creation you generate within.

That Friday night Dr. Blair taught a course in disaster preparedness. He urged, let them be bound by technologies limitations for now is the time we step over its threshold to utilize our soul’s innate capabilities.

Tune in every Wednesday at 1pm PST to “Expanding Your Consciousness” with Dr. Blair at Also, for more information on the Disaster Preparedness classes offered at The AFIBA Center contact 323.292.5550.

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